
Farewell my Friend

I remember the day when we first meet.
We were shy and young.
I still remember we use to sneak out to meet in the garden where no one there to saw us.
When I first touch you with my lips i was nervous.
And do you remember i use to steal a rupee just to spend with you.
Now I am spending all my earnings just for you.
And when I don’t have money i don’t mine sharing with my friends.
As we grow old our bond grows stronger,
many times our parents one us to be separated but we kept on fighting to stick on.
Many people don’t like us being together but still we are a good friend
How should I ever thank you that you are more then my girl friend.
You give me strength when she left me and drank sorrow along with me and promise me that you will never leave me.
How can I forget those winters you kept me warm all night long.
But my friend people dont like us and they have put a law against us.
We will never able to meet in public anymore.
When I am with you all my friend and family ignore me.
So many times I thinking about breaking up with you but you always found me.
Oh my sweet friend I am becoming weak because your loves make me awake for the whole night and when I am hungry your love kept me fill.
I am getting addicted to you and I hope I wont be able to survive without you if we carry on our path
So my friend I am leaving you for good.
After many years I realize that I want to live.
I am breaking the bond that we made to die together,
Coz I have a life to live and its hopeless with you.
Even if we meet on the way do forget me.
I know its going to be hard but my friend time will erase everything.
Good bye my hopeless Cigarette I wont need you anymore.

My little Black Book

I have a little black book that I always carry with me.
It is cover with black polish leather and a golden engraved on it.
Its fills with wonders and magical.
All we need to do is open and see.
It is more then a friend and a teacher.
It is there when I sleep and wake up with me.
When I am far from my family it taught me how to live.
When I am down its give me joy and hope.
Its the only book which talk with me every night.
It talks about love, compassion and sacrifice.
All the value of life is written there.
It gives me strength to fight from all the human selfish desire.
The words that I found there are not from this world.
And I will never stay away from it.
It kept me warm during my first Christmas away from home.
And everybody wants to know about it and I say....
I got “The Holy Bible”.

Day First ................

Day 1, I would like to start with a thoughts that always inspire in my life. There always been ups and down in my life but as a fighter I never give up. Coz I always believe in beautiful tomorrow. I look things in different view. Life is more beautiful with thorns in roses and the nights are dark but remember that bright morning comes just after that.