


This is a story about my friend, Emili. We grew up together in a small hilly town cover with white lilies and colourful fruits during the spring. She was naughty and mischief but there she my dearest friend. She got rich parents but were never happy. Her Mother passed away when she born and her father always blame her for that night she born. Her step Mom can never fill the place of her mother. But she more like her mother compassionate heart, patient though she have never seen her. When she sick and scare there no one to heard her cry. She spend many lonely years alone struggling to survive rejected and alone.
I remember she use to seat next to me when I was in kindergarten. We share our lunch under the big tree over the town hall. When she with me she more lifely singing along with the birds. She got lots of stories to tell me. The whole day she told me about her dreams, how she got punish for not doing homework, about what she want to be. She always ask me about her Mother and how she want to with her. And I always said that she might be happy wherever she is. But the day never last. As the dawn comes we took different way home.
After a while we have pass out from our high school. I went to Delhi University for my graduation. She left all alone again. Her father never took care of her. Never show her his affection. Every night she slept with tears in her eyes. Never felt warm during winter. And always cry out for her Mom. Sometime i send her books for her and chocolates. She always reply with thanks and wrote me everything she thinks and imagine and all little things to me. And she so happy to write to me.
But, it was from August she stop writing to me. Everyday in my hostel I waited for a postman to bring me her news. Its almost a month, and years without her news. But one day, a postman knocks on my door and he handed me a green envelop. Alas! Its from her.
When i go through was the last letter I receive. That was the last words she wrote to me.
It was on that very September, the day she receive her results and she cant make it through. When she return home her father scolded and lock her in her room without food and water. And everyday she has been curse and slap for all the weakness and mistake she committed. It was in tolerable for her. She cry out for help but there no one. She was threw away from her family. Isolated and no one to care for. So on Christmas when everyone is celebrating with there family she was crying the whole night. Its seems like the joy of the birth of Christ does not mean anything to her. The wind were cold in her room and that very night something came in her mind. She went out and still her father sleeping pills and back to her room. And there she sat down and wrote this letter before she took the whole medicine. She ask me to forgive her for her act but how, she is gone. Leaving only the memories of her. It was too late to realize. What if she have taken Christ she should not have done it. What if we could have spend a little of out time she might have been smiling now.
There many friend like Emili, and how many of us are taking time to spend with them, listen and understand there feelings. What they one? How they feel? Or one day we will receive a same letter from them.
Dearst Emili, I am sorry. I heard the cry but I was not able to wipe your tears. I felt your pain but i was not able to comfort. I have the whole time with me but never find time for you. You are now resting eternally without feeling cold during winter and your tears are dried. Now you don’t felt pain and happy. You don’t have the memories we spend together. Its all gone when you close your eyes forever. Wait for me in other end. I will be coming soon.


If someone ask you to define Happiness? You would look back to your life and will try to find something nice and warm. Well every people in this world want to be happy. But the question is who are the happy person you? Me?
From the creation of the world, God created the good and the bad, sad and happy. If there is no evil in the world there will be no holy like wise if you don’t know how pain and sad feels you would probably not feel good and happiness. Its been created and is within you. Its all depend what we all choose.
There was a child whose parents sales peanut in the street. He cant afford to buy a new pair of shoes. He was punish and humiliated all the time for not wearing shoe in school. School was one of the worst place for him. Coz he need shoes. He dreams shoes and ..... one day there was a school debate competition and the first prize is a gold medal and the second a silver and third is a pair of shoes. He started practising day and night. And to a very great extend he is likely to win. So the day has arrived and all the kids gather and sooner the competition starts. Many people came and did there best so does he. All the judges were surprise to find that there students were brilliant. Soon the results follows, the first price...will sadely he cant make to the first but that now what he was dreaming. He want the third position. And soon the second....oh here a tie between one of his senior. And the judges left no option to choose the best among them. So they decide to pick a lucky one. So they write there name in a piece of paper and put it in one of the teacher hat and ask them to pick there name. And to the surprise the Boy pick the Third position. And a small drop of tears roll from his eyes. That was the happiest moment in his life. He felt that he wont be punish nor humiliated in his school anymore. That was the greatest feeling freed from the fare of going to school. Its worth more then gold or a silver or anything else.
So happiness happen to everyone in all different ways. But persuade for happiness not always leads us to a good things. Sometime it bad, sometime at the cost of someone happiness. The happiness that comes from the pure heart exceed everything. Like the baby felt warm in the arms of her mother. My father always told me the real happiness comes after you make other happy. Well that will be the best advice i ever heard from anyone. So what do you gain from here? You are happy and the other are happy too. That great. But do you think that you are happy when someone is hurt and in pain. The answer is NO. Be happy J always. Its for my fren Lilanne