
Walk With Me

As I came to this world bringing nothing but my sinful soul.
I don’t know Jesus until I was 6 and I accept him at 18.
Life was never been easy, there always been a conflict between wrong and right.
And most of the time wrong seems to be right and easy and
many times wrong overpower me but as a fighter I kept on fighting.
Everytime I fall and wounded he lifted me up.
When he is by my side I fear no more.
His word dwells in me and tells me to hold on to him.
He teach me that a little hope can even move a mountain.
He teach me that a pure in heart will inherit the heaven.
Many time I ran away from him but as a father he never forsake me.
He is there to forgive me million times I sin.
I remember how he die for me.
I remember that day he carry cross for me beaten and wounded and still he pray for me.
I remember how he lift me up from drowning many years ago and
I still remember the day in my college how he carry me out from the jaw of the death.
He don’t let me starve and cold during winters, and blessed me with a perfect family.
Though friends left me and people despise me he stays.
“My God what have I done that you love me so much....I am not even worth dirt on your feet.”
The world is full of sin and days I have to stay are unknown.
Stay with me, walk with me till the Heaven comes.